Home Value

See an instant estimate of your home’s current value and view recent home sales in your area

Report includes:
  • Home value estimate based on public data and other factors
  • Zestimate® provided by Zillow
  • Estimated price per square foot
  • Detailed description of the home
  • Sale history
  • Sales of comparable homes nearby

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Property details

  • Type: -
  • Bedrooms: -
  • Baths: -
  • Living Area: -
  • Lot Size: -
  • County: -
  • Year Built: -
  • Floors: -
% since last sold

Estimated Home Value

Price Per Square Foot

Comparable sales

Address Lot Size (sq. ft.) Living Area (sq. ft.) Beds Baths Sales Date Sold Price

Map location

DISCLAIMER: The data and valuations are provided as is without warranty or guarantee of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation, any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The existence of the subject property and the accuracy of the valuations are estimated based on available data and do not constitute an appraisal of the subject property and should not be relied upon in lieu of underwriting or an appraisal.

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*Based on results from Inside Mortgage Finance 12M ended 6/30/24. Includes PMT loan acquisitions, for which PFSI earns a fulfillment fee upon loan funding.

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Easy to Use

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Pennymac’s Home Value Estimator will take the address of a property and weigh multiple factors in order to give you a reliable estimate.


Receive a detailed report

Our report includes overall value, estimated price per square foot, property details, sales history of nearby homes and value history.


Consider your best options

The Home Value Estimator provides you with valuable market information to help you weigh your potential options for a home purchase, sale or refinance.

Note that there are many factors that may have an effect on home value. While tools like this can account for neighborhood comps, trends in real estate markets, and other factors, there is some information that no estimation tool can always account for.

Frequently asked questions

What can a home value estimator tool do for me?

Whether you’re thinking about selling or refinancing your current home, or buying a new one, it’s important to know how a property is valued in today’s market. For your current home, you’ll have a good estimate of how much you may receive from a buyer, or how much equity you may be able to borrow against after an appraisal. If you’re shopping for a home, you’ll be able to estimate your homebuying budget and find great prospects to match. It will also be useful to check other similar homes in the area to make sure your offer is competitive.

You can start by entering your address into Pennymac’s Home Value Estimator tool. You’ll receive a detailed report of your home, including estimated home value and price per square foot, property specifics, a sales history of your home and nearby homes, along with the corresponding values at the times of sale. If you decide to sell your home, your real estate agent will be able to provide you with an informed estimate of how much you may be able to get from a buyer, putting into consideration your home’s special features, location and how the market is currently affecting its perceived value. If you need help finding a top local real estate agent, you can get help from Pennymac Home Connect and possibly earn a reward when you buy or sell with that agent.

One factor often quoted when thinking about how a home’s value goes up (or down) is the fundamental concept of supply and demand. In short, when there are more buyers than available homes, buyers will find themselves competing amongst one another, bringing home prices up. The size and usable space of your home and property, along with the age and condition, will also weigh heavily into its calculated market value. You may choose to invest in renovating your living space, which can increase how much a buyer is willing to pay for it. Location also plays a big role. This includes the local school district, as well as your home’s proximity to employment, entertainment and natural resources. Recent sales of comparable properties in the neighborhood will also be used when an agent calculates your home’s perceived value, which you will also find in the report on a property you search in the Home Value Estimator tool.

In what is considered a sustainable market, home values are generally expected to rise slowly and incrementally over time. When we consider the fluctuating personality of the market, one can also say that home value changes are perhaps as predictable as interest rates — we never quite know precisely what direction they will go. What you can do is keep watch on current sales and prices in your neighborhood — which the Home Value Estimator can provide. And this helpful tool is updated regularly to factor in the latest fluctuations of the market, providing you with the most accurate, up-to-date information. The key ingredient to home price trends is how much buyers are actually willing and able to pay for a home in the current market, weighing all the economic factors that go along with making that calculation.

Pennymac’s online estimator is powered by a best-in-class Real Estate Automated Valuation Model (AVM). Despite this fact, our Home Value Estimator is not a substitute for an appraisal. While most lenders do not accept AVM estimates as a replacement for a full appraisal in the loan process, there are some loan products for which lenders may use an AVM as part of the appraisal process. Keep in mind that an online tool cannot see a home’s broken pipe, condition of the floors, or any other physical matter requiring repair that could potentially decrease the calculated value of a home when selling or evaluating the property’s real value as collateral against a loan. The ranges between estimates can also vary greatly. What these tools can provide is a ballpark estimate when you’re considering selling your home, buying a new one, or taking out a mortgage for a home purchase or refinance.

Pennymac leverages a best-in-class AVM often used by mortgage lenders and other real estate professionals for forecasting, as well as initial loan estimates.

The Zestimate® relies on a proprietary set of models, but also incorporates inputs that are provided by users on their site. For example, property owners can update their home’s information on the site after a renovation has occurred.

By receiving both estimates, you’ll have the benefit of a reliable estimated range you can expect your home value to fall within.

Free online home valuations can be viewed as snapshots in time, pulled from a variety of different public sources and data models, which give accurate property estimates. This is very useful when monitoring your investment over time to determine how much equity you have in your home to refinance or if you are simply in the market to purchase your next home. You can compare valuations to a seller’s listing price or keep an eye on a specific neighborhood that you wish to move to in the future.

The most accurate home valuations are done by locally licensed, certified professionals. There is a charge for these and they take longer to complete, but they are able to account for a variety of different factors that can affect a specific property individually.

Please note that several factors can affect the accuracy of your estimate:

  • Availability of data from public records, agents, and other sources
  • Speed of systems used by individual municipalities to report sales data
  • Number of transactions in any given area over a specific period of time
  • Uniqueness of a property’s design and features

In some places, home sales data is limited or unavailable. Certain “non-disclosure” states don’t disclose sale prices for homes in public records. Non-disclosure states include:

  • Alaska
  • Idaho
  • Indiana
  • Kansas
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri (some counties)
  • Montana
  • New Mexico
  • North Dakota
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Wyoming

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begins here.

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